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20 Businesses declare Climate Emergency

Millan Rajasooriar CFA

A collective of 20 other businesses, called XR Business, who penned an open letter in the Times newspaper declaring a climate emergency. The XR Business platform is an evolving platform for people in business who understand that business as usual is not going to deliver the type of progress we need to ensure successful and sustainable life one Earth. XR Businesses believe that visionary leadership is now needed from all sectors, but particularly those with relevant talent, technology, money and influence in business and the financial markets.

An excerpt from the letter follows:

“Contrary to belief, there is business support for the Extinction Rebellion (XR) agenda. Hard pressure drives change, but even the most committed businesses will need time to respond. We welcome the news that Extinction Rebellion is evolving a new platform, XR Business, to engage business leaders, investors and advisers. To drive things forward, the idea is to convene a meeting of XR activists and experts with business leaders and influencers.

Most businesses were not designed in the context of the developing climate emergency. Hence we must urgently redesign entire industries and businesses, using science-based targets”.

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