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Brexit and Sustainable Investing


Updated: Nov 16, 2020

Over the years a large number of environmental and sustainability policies have been developed in coordination with the European Union.

The United Kingdom leaving the Union presents both opportunities and challenges across both sides of the channel. The UK has in recent years enjoyed a thriving growth in CleanTech development with the sector now contributing 3% to UK GDP.

The prospects of Brexit offer a chance for the UK to set it's own course in leading the world in the development of sustainable technology, and investment through its robust financial systems, however we cannot ignore the risk that leaving the Union poses to the industry and it's continued growth as a lack of regulation may result in a loss of traction across the markets.

That being said markets are primed for a rapid transition to encompass sustainable investment and with the transition required in a post Brexit scenario, markets have the perfect opportunity to use the opportunity to transition in a more considered approach to investing proposals utilising impact measurement.

Utilising open source tools such as that being developed by GIIN gives investors a ready to use metric to increase impact and sustainability consideration across portfolios which in turn will help to drive growth across multiple sectors.


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